The Materials

  • All game parts for your group size; high-quality materials for repeated use

  • Durable nylon carry bag for easy storage and transport

  • Downloadable presentation slides, worksheets and handouts

  • Step-by-step Guide for Facilitators (60 pages, spiral bound)

  • Modular packing system designed for accommodating various group sizes

Diagram of jars, tubes and boards that comprise a complete Friday Night at the ER game kit.

Warranty and Support

  • Return your unused kit for free within 30 days if you aren’t 100% satisfied

  • Five-year limited warranty covers your game parts and carry bag
  • Access online help articles and a community forum in our support center

  • Get one hour of free consultation with a content expert

Online Facilitator Certification (Recommended)

Facilitator certification is not required but we recommend it. We have an excellent online course that provides an easy, structured approach for facilitators to learn how to be successful with our program.

The course is $525 per trainee ($295 for teachers, small non-profits and independent consultants). It’s entirely on demand and includes videos, readings, practice exercises, self assessments, and check-ins with an assigned course mentor (earn 9.0 continuing education credits).

Learn More and Register

Get pricing that fits your needs.

Game kit pricing varies depending on your group size and organization type

Headshot of Kathleen Winningham, Senior Manager of Disney University Operations and Leadership Programs at The Walt Disney Company

“Friday Night at the ER is a great game – brilliantly created. We leverage it very effectively to depict the interdependence across all departments and emphasize some of the core skills we want to infuse into our program…” Read more

Kathleen Winningham, Senior Manager of Disney University Operations, Walt Disney Parks & Resorts

Headshot of Lisa Bichsel

“You can see how effectively a team communicates, how they work together under pressure, how risk averse they are. Do they play by the rules or are they looking for creative and innovative ways to solve common problems? It’s amazing all that can be discussed during a debrief with the team. I see it as a fit for any organization and any composition of players.”

Lisa Bichsel, Marketing Manager, GE Healthcare

Headshot of David C. Aron, Professor of Medicine and Organizational Behavior at Case Western Reserve University

“It’s a very approachable game. It’s something that students can appreciate, they can sink their teeth into, they can get engaged with. So the message comes through without real effort. The game is suffused with message. It kind of sneaks up on you. A lot of students get this Aha! moment and it’s those moments that really stick with you.”

David C. Aron, MD, MS, Professor of Medicine and Organizational Behavior, Case Western Reserve University