Congrats to healthcare educator Bill Ward of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health for entering his 15th year of delivering Friday Night at the ER learning programs and for facilitating sessions for the widest variety of healthcare-industry participants in our company history. Bill stands out among our cadre of expert facilitators for his depth of experience and far-reaching influence.

William Ward, Associate Professor from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health leads a student discussion following a round of game play of Friday Night at the ER

“Bill is a Friday Night at the ER veteran and we are continually impressed with how he customizes each program to meet the specific needs of his audiences,” notes Jeff Heil, Director of Breakthrough Learning. “Whether he is working with graduate students or hospital managers, Bill knows exactly how to use our simulation tool to maximize the learnings for participants. We are proud to recognize him for his outstanding work.”

The groups Bill has worked with range from masters and doctoral students at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and nursing students in Baltimore to hospital managers in Mississippi and hospital trustees in New Jersey. Bill has even presented Friday Night at the ER to naval officers from the U.S. Navy’s Medical Centers.

Beyond the borders of the U.S. healthcare system, Bill has delivered Friday Night at the ER in Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Hong Kong and Peru.

His debriefs are learner-centric and he enriches the discussion with anecdotes from his own experiences. He has focused on a myriad of issues including the role of communication, collaboration and collegiality in improving organizational performance; the value of systems thinking in advancing hospital throughput; and the identification and removal of barriers to clinical quality and patient safety.

“The issues that managers face in running hospitals transcend borders and cultures,” he explains. “Managing patient flow, resource shortages, time constraints, a lack of information – these are the same challenges faced by managers throughout the world. Spending Friday night at the ER helps them visualize both the problems – and more importantly – the paths to solving them.”

Congrats, Bill!

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